
Showing posts from October, 2017

Book review

Percy Jackson the sea of monsters is a really good book I really enjoyed it it’s about Percy tries to find a secret and find the monster in the sea I would recommend this book if your into Fiction cause everything in the book is good Tbh

Happiest day ever

When the basketball team I was playing on went udefeated and won a championship

Greatest Achievement

Leading Emerson to a 8-0 Udefeated record witch lead to a championship game and we won the championship and Emerson has not won a championship in like 80 years

Writer vs Singer

I wouldn rather be a writer so I can write songs for famous people an$ I can be friends with them. And then get my fame from the famous people I may not get paided as much but I get to be friends with famous people w

Best food ever

The best food ever for me is shrimp Alfredo for me its so good. I like it because of the sauce and the pasta, the pasta is so good😂 sorry that is is a short blog but I’ll keep you posted  bye

Slice of life/ Free post

A while back for my birthday i went paintballing if you don't know what that is it's were you get a air compressed gun that shoots paintballs, paintballs are little balls of paint that hurt when you get shot by one. So me and my cousin were playing we see this man with a really cool paintball gun and then we may have thought that he was on the other team so of course we shoot him like 30 times and he go really upset of course me and my cousin we thinking was that guy on our team. He was but we didn't know that. And then he was on our team again and he shot us. Then we got mad. Then from there he wasn't on our team so then we were able so shoot him for real but us and the guy made up in the end. That's the story of I was shooting my teammate

News this week

The Las Vegas shooting was bad event that happened many died and many Peale just wanted to go to enjoy it not for there to be a shooting. I can't think of 1 person that would want to go to a event have there be shooting. I hope that man that killed the people learns his lesson. Those people that went to the event didn't deserve to have there be a shooting this event happened at 9:59PM. There were 59 people killed and many more injured.  There was a 6 minute gap before police reacted to the event. This event that happened made me sad why would someone ever do a thing

If I were president

if I was the president I would not let anyone own a gun the only weapon they will be allowed to have is a pocket knife. And maybe that would stop the gun violence just maybe. I would make roads safe by lowering the speed limit. Then if I was in office I would declare world peace and for there not to have any wars and if a country threats the USA, I would not get the USA involved so we don't get hurt and so we don't have to start a war.

Slice of life

I was playing basketball with my brother, he is really good at basketball, he helps me get better at the sport. We started playing and the ball went over the fence. My neighbors have  a dog and the dog was out. I got really worried cause there dogs bites,  I had my brother distract the dog and there I go I run as fast as I can, the dog then sees me and he sprints toward me i flinch but then when he came to me he didn't bite me he licked me. I was very surprised i throw the ball back an me and my brother keep playing. While I was getting the ball of course I had to step in dog poop. There is the time my neighbors dog didn't bite me surprisingly.

Digital Citizenship

We can all be good citizens. We can help each other out stop pollution an raise fundraisers. A good way to be appropriate and safe on these blogs is to not talk about anything inappropriate or talk about so one in a inappropriate way be nice help each other out instead of leaving a mean comment on someone's post leave a nice one like hey i love reading your blogs. And that's some ways you can be a good digital citizen

We movement

HMS had a assembly about me to we and Reggie talked about the different countries and the responsibilitys in order to be in me to we our ELA class signed a pledge to be responsible at Home. At home to be responsible when my mom or brother needs help I will help them and by taking care of my dog and taking out the trash. I feel like Me to we is a good program tell me how you will be responsible at home

News this week

September 2001, Al Qaeda hijacked planes attacks against the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. killing everyone on board the planes and nearly 3,000 people on the ground A fourth plane crashed into a field killing all on the plane, after passengers and crew attempted to get control of the plane from the hijackers I was sad when I was researching it cause it was really sad what happened.